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Peer-Reviewed Publications

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HAMED N, RANA O, OROZCO-TERWENGEL P, GOOSSENS B, PERERA C, 2025. FooDS: ontology-based knowledge graphs for forest observatories. ACM Journal on Computing and Sustainable Societies 3(1): article 2.

THIRY V, BOOM A, STARK DJ, HARDY O, BEUDELS-JAMAR RC, VERCAUTEREN DRUBBEL R, NATHAN SKSS, VERCAUTEREN M, GOOSSENS B, 2025. Using DNA metabarcoding and direct behavioural observations to identify the diet of proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) in the Kinabatangan floodplain, Sabah. PLoS ONE 20(1): e0316752.


LE BRETON C, LAPORTA GZ, MUREB SALLUM MA, HESSE H, SALGADO-LYNN M, MANIN BO, FORNACE K, 2025. Advancing canopy-level entomological surveillance to monitor vector-borne and zoonotic disease dynamics. Trends in Parasitology doi: 10.106/
MATSUDA I, MURAI T, GRUETER CC, TUUGA A, GOOSSENS B, BERNARD H, YAHYA NK, OROZCO-TERWENGEL P, SALGADO-LYNN M, 2024. The multilevel society of proboscis monkeys with a possible patrilineal basis. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 78.


MEIJAARD E, ERMAN A, ANCRENAZ M, GOOSSENS B, 2024. Pig virus imperils food security in Borneo. Science 383(6680): 267.


EPPLEY TM, REUTER KE, SEFCZEK TM,…, GOOSSENS B,…, MITTERMEIER RA, 2024. Field stations yield high return-on-investment for conservation. Conservation Letters 17: e13007.


PEREIRA MENDES C, THAPA A, ALBERT WD, AMIR Z, ANCRENAZ M,…, GOOSSENS B,…, LUSKIN M, 2024. CamTrapAsia: A dataset of tropical forest vertebrate communities from 239 camera trapping studies. Ecology e4299. doi: 10.1002/ecy.4299.


MASON B, CERVENA B, FRIAS L, GOOSSENS B, HASEGAWA H, KEUK K, LANGGENG A, MAJEWSKI K, MATSUMOTO T, MATSUURA K, MENDONCA R, OKAMOTO M, PETER S, PETRZELKOVA KJ, SIPANGKUI S, XU Z, PAFCO B, MACINTOSH AJJ, 2024. Novel insight into the genetic diversity of Strongylid nematodes infecting South-East and East Asian primates. Parasitology. doi: 10.1017/S0031182024000386.


PANJANG E, LIM HY, THOMAS RJ, GOOSSENS B, HEARN AJ, MACDONALD DW, ROSS J,…, GARDNER PC,…, ABRAM NK, 2024. Mapping the distribution of the Sunda pangolin (Manis javanica) within natural forest in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Global Ecology and Conservation. doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2024.e02962.


GIBBON JH, LIM J, GONZALEZ-ABARZUA M, OROZCO-TERWENGEL P, LAM TTY, GOOSSENS B, 2024. Active forest nesting site, mating, and cannibalistic oophagy behaviour in the Asian water monitor Varanus salvator. The Herpetological Bulletin168: 8-11.


EWERS RM, ORME CDL, PEARSE WD,…, WAI L, VOLLANS M, TWININNG JP,…, REYNOLDS G, BANKS-LEITE C, 2024. Thresholds for adding degraded tropical forest to the conservation estate. Nature 631: 808-818.


JOSE L, LEE W, HANYA G, TUUGA A, GOOSSENS B, TANGAH J, MATSUDA I, KUMAR VS, 2024. Gut microbial community in proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus): implications for effects of geographical and social factors. Royal Society Open Science 11: 231756.


MUSSA O, RANA O, GOOSSENS B, OROZCO-TERWENGEL P, PERERA C, 2024. ForestQB: enhancing linked data exploration through graphical and conversational UIs integration. ACM Journal on Computing and Sustainable Societies 2(3): 33 pages.


HAMED N, RANA O, OROZCO-TERWENGEL P, GOOSSENS B, PERERA C, 2024. A comparison of Open Data Observatories. ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality doi: 10.1145/3705863.


STIEGLER J, TUCKER M, MULLER T, APOLLONIO M, ARNOLD J, BARKER N, BARTHEL L, VAN BEEST F, BELANT JL, BERGER A, BEYER JR DE, BIDNER LR, BLAKE S, BORNER K, BOYER K, BROGI R,…, EVANS MN,…, GOOSSENS B,…, BLAUM N, 2024. Tracking of mammals – quantifying the impact of collaring. Nature Communications 15: 8079.


HAMED N, RANA O, PROZCO-TERWENGEL P, GOOSSENS B, PERERA C, 2024. PoachNet: Predicting poaching using an ontology-based knowledge graph. Sensors 24: 8142.


Emilia Johnson, Reuben Sunil Kumar Sharma, Pablo Ruiz Cuenca, Isabel Byrne, Milena Salgado-Lynn, Zarith Suraya Shahar, Lee Col Lin, Norhadila Zulkifli, Nor Dilaila Mohd Saidi, Chris Drakeley, Jason Matthiopoulos, Luca Nelli, Kimberly Fornace, 2024. Landscape drives zoonotic malaria prevalence in non-human primates. eLife 2023;12:RP88616. DOI:

Kurz D., Connor T., Brodie J.F., Baking E.l., Szeto S.H., Hearn A.J., Gardner P.C., Wearn O.R., Deith M.C.M., Deere N.J., Ampeng A., Bernard H., Goon J., Granados A., Helmy O., Lim H.Y., Luskin M.S., Macdonald D.W., Ross J., Simpson B.K., Struebig M.J., Mohd-Azlan J., Potts M.D., Goossens B., Bashares J.S., 2023. Socio-ecological factors shape the distribution of a cultural keystone species in Malaysian Borneo. npj Biodiversity doi: 10.1038/s44185-022-00008-w.

Johnson E., Campos-Cerqueira M., Jumail A., Yusni A.S.A, Salgado-Lynn M., Fornace K., 2023. Applications and advances in acoustic monitoring for infectious disease epidemiology. Trends in Parasitology doi: 10.1016/

Davidar P., Sharma R., De Silva S., Campos-Arceiz A., Goossens B., Puyravaud J-P., Habib B., De R., Wong E.P., Neupane D., Othman N.B., Goyal S.P., 2023. Connect elephant habitats in Asia. Science 379, 6634: 765.

Suzuki-Hashido N., Tsuchida S., Azumano A., Goossens B., Saldivar D.A.R., Stark D.J., Tuuga A., Ushida K., Matsuda I., 2023. Isolation of bacteria from freeze-dried samples and the functional characterization of species-specific lactic acid bacteria with a comparison of wild and captive proboscis monkeys. Microorganisms 11: 1458.

Guerrero-Sanchez S., Frias L., Saimin S., Orozco-Terwengel P., Goossens B., 2023. The fast-food effect: costs of being a generalist in a human-dominated landscape. Conservation Physiology 11: 1. doi: 10.1093/conphys/coad055

Sitam F.T., Salgado Lynn M., Denel A., Panjang E., Mcewing R., Lightson A., Ogden R., Maruji N.A., Yahya N.K., Ngau C., Kulaimi N.A.M., Ithnin H., Rovie-Ryan J., Bakar M.S.A., Ewart K.M., 2023. Phylogeography of the Sunda pangolin, Manis javanica: implications for taxonomy, conservation management and wildlife forensics. Ecology and Evolution 13(8): e10373.

Hamed N., Rana O., Goossens B., Orozco-Terwengel P., Perera C., 2023. FOO: An upper-level ontology for the Forest Observatory. In: Pesquita C et al. The Semantic Web: ESWC 2023 Satellite events. ESWC 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13998. Springer, Cham. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-43458-7_29.


Guerrero-Sanchez, S., Majewski, K., Orozco-terWengel, P., Saimin, S., Goossens, B. 2022. The effect of oil palm-dominated landscapes on the home range and distribution of a generalist species, the Asian water monitor. Ecology and Evolution, 12 (1): e8531.

Scheumann, M., Röper, K.M., Nathan, S.K.S.S., Goossens, B. 2022. Third-party vocal intervention in the proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus). International Journal of Primatology: 1-14.

Choo, S. W., Chong, J. L., Gaubert, P., Hughes, A. C., O’Brien, S., Chaber, A. L., et al. 2022. A collective statement in support of saving pangolins. The Science of the Total Environment, 824: 153666.

Santika, T., Sherman, J., Voigt, M., Ancrenaz, M., Wich, S. A., Wilson, K. A., … Meijaard, E. 2022. Effectiveness of 20 years of conservation investments in protecting orangutans. Current Biology, 32(8), 1754–1763.

Brown, R., Salgado-Lynn, M., Jumail, A., Jalius, C., Chua, T.-H., Vythilingam, I., & Ferguson, H. M. 2022. Exposure of Primate Reservoir Hosts to Mosquito Vectors in Malaysian Borneo. EcoHealth, 19, 233-245.

Kooros, S. J., Goossens, B., Sterck, E. H. M., Kenderdine, R., Malim, P. T., Saldivar, D. A. R., Stark, D. J. 2022. External environmental conditions impact nocturnal activity levels in proboscis monkeys ( Nasalis larvatus ) living in Sabah, Malaysia. American Journal of Primatology,  e23423.

Abram, N. K., Skara, B., Othman, N., Ancrenaz, M., Mengersen, K., & Goossens, B. 2022. Understanding the spatial distribution and hot spots of collared Bornean elephants in a multi-use landscape. Scientific Reports, 12, 12830.


Evans, M.N., Müller, C.T., Kille, P., Asner, G.P., Guerrero-Sánchez, S., Abu Bakar, M.S., Goossens, B. 2021. Space-use patterns of Malay civets (Viverra tangalunga) persisting within a landscape fragmented by oil palm plantations. Landscape Ecol, 36(3), 915-930.

González-Abarzúa, M.C., Kunde, M.N., Fitri, M.S., Goossens, B. 2021. First capture of a flat-headed cat in an oil palm plantation in Sabah, Borneo. CATnews, 72: 37-38.

Wai, L., Burger, R., Goossens, B. 2021. The first documented record of the hairy-nosed otter (Lutra sumatrana) in the Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary, Sabah, Malaysia. IUCN Otter Spec Group Bull, 38(2): 62-69.

De la Torre, J.A., Wong, E.P., Lechner, A.M., Zulaikha, N., Zawasi, A., Abdul-Patah, P., Saaban, S., Goossens, B., Campos-Arceiz, A., 2020. There will be conflict – agricultural landscapes are prime, rather than marginal, habitats for Asian elephants. Animal Conservation.

Kunde, M. & Goossens, B. 2021. Sun bear predation on an oriental pied hornbill nest. Ursus, 32: e3.

Frias, L., Hasegawa, H., Chua, T.H., Sipangkui, S., Stark, D.J., Salgado-Lynn, M., Goossens, B., Keuk, K., Okamoto, M., MacIntosh, A.J.J. 2021. Parasite community structure in sympatric Bornean primates. Journal for Parasitology,

Ewart, K.M., Lightson, A.L., Sitam, F.T., Rovie-Ryan, J., Nguyen, S.G., Morgan, K.I., Luczon, A., Anadon, E.M.S., De Bruyn, M., Bourgeois, S., Ouitavon, K., Kotze, A., Abu Bakar, M.S., Salgado-Lynn, M., McEwing, R. 2021. DNA analyses of large pangolin scale seizures: Species identification validation and case studies. Forensic Science International: Animals and Environments, 1: 100014.

Gardner, P.C., Goossens, B., Abu Bakar, M.S., Bruford, M.W. 2021. Hunting pressure is a key contributor to the impending extinction of Bornean wild cattle. Endang Species Res, 45: 225-235.

Grace, M.K., Akçakaya, H.R., Bennett, E.L., et al. 2021. Testing a global standard for quantifying species recovery and assessing conservation impact. Conservation Biology, 35(6): 1833-1849.

Kurz, D.J., Saikim, H., Justine, V.T., Bloem, J., Libassi, M., Luskin, M.S., Withey, L.S., Goossens, B., Brashares, J.S., Potts, M.D. 2021. Transformation and endurance of Indigenous hunting: Kadazandusun-Murut bearded pig hunting practices amidst oil palm expansion and urbanization in Sabah, Malaysia. People and Nature, 3(5): 1078-1092.

Saylors, K., Wolking, D.J., Hagan, E., et al. 2021. Socializing One Health: an innovative strategy to investigate social and behavioral risks of emerging viral threats. One Health Oulook, 3 (1): 1-16.

Grange, Z.L., Goldstein, T., Johnson, C.K., Anthony, S., Gilardi, K., Daszak, P., Olival, K.J., O’Rourke, T., Murray, S., Olson, S.H., Togami, E., Vidal, G., Expert Panel, PREDICT Consortium, Mazet, A.K., 2021. Ranking the risk of animal-to-human spillover for newly discovered viruses. PNAS, 119 (39): e2115409118.

Guerrero-Sanchez, S., Goossens, B., Saimin, S., Orozco-terWengel, P., 2021. The critical role of natural forest as a refugium for generalist species in oil palm-dominated landscapes. PLoS ONE, 16 (10): e0257814.

De la Torre, J.A., Wong, E.P., Lechner, A.M., Zulaikha, N., Zawawi, A., Abdul Patha, P., Saaban, S., Goossens, B., Campos-Arceiz, A. 2021. Towards tolerable human-elephant coexistence in tropical Asia. Animal Conservation, 24: 740-742.

Jumail, A., & Salgado-Lynn, M. 2021. The Danau Girang Field Centre: Field Station Profile. ECOTROPICA, 23(1/2): 202103-202103.

Guerrero-Sanchez, S., Burger, R., Bin Rosli, M.S.F., Bin Moh Natsyr, N., Bin Rahman, R., Saimin, S., Orozco-terWengel, P., Goossens, B., 2021. Homing: a case-study on the spatial memory of the Asian water monitor lizard Varanus salvator in the Kinabatangan floodplain. Herpetological Bulletin, 158 (4): 37-39.

Bernard, H., Liew, N.Y.S., Wilson, A., Tangah, J., Tuuga, A., Matsuda, I. 2021. Inventorying terrestrial mammal species in mixed-mangrove forest of the Lower Kinabatangan, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia, with special reference to a new locality record of otter civet, Cynogale bennettii. Mammal Research, 67(1): 31-38.


Evans, L. J., Goossens, B., Davies, A. B., Reynolds, G., Asner, G. P. 2020. Natural and anthropogenic drivers of Bornean elephant movement strategies. Global Ecology and Conservation, 22, e00906.

Hasegawa, H., Frias, L., Peter, S., Hasan, N. H., Stark, D. J., Salgado Lynn, M., Sipangkui, S., Goossens, B., Matsuura, K., Okamoto, M., Macintosh, A. J. J. 2020. First description of male worms of Enterobius (Colobenterobius) serratus (Nematoda: Oxyuridae), the pinworm parasite of proboscis monkeys. Zootaxa, 4722(3), 287–294.

Brunke, J., Russo, I.-R. M., Orozco-terWengel, P., Zimmermann, E., Bruford, M. W., Goossens, B., Radespiel, U. 2020. Dispersal and genetic structure in a tropical small mammal, the Bornean tree shrew (Tupaia longipes), in a fragmented landscape along the Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia. BMC Genetics, 21(1), 43.

Jumail, A., Thor-Seng, L., Salgado-Lynn, M., Fornace, K.M., Stark, D.J. 2020. A comparative evaluation of thermal camera and visual counting methods for primate census in a riparian forest at the Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary (LKWS), Malaysian Borneo. Primates: 1-9.

Wai, L., Evans, M. N., Bernard, H., Goossens, B. (2020). Holt-based activity patterns of smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) in the lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary, Sabah, Malaysia. IUCN/SCC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin, 37(1), 20-28.

Lord, E., Dussex, N., Kierczak, M., Díez-del-Molino, D., Ryder, O. A., Stanton, D. W.G., Gilbert, M. T. P., Sánchez-Barreiro, F., Zhang, G., Sinding, M. H. S., Lorenzen, E. D., Willerslev, E., Protopopov, A., Shidlovskiy, F., Fedorov, S., Bocherens, H., Nathan, S. K.S.S., Goossens, B., van der Plicht, J., Chan, Y. L., Prost, S., Potapova, O., Kirillova, I., Lister, A. M., Heintzman, P. D., Kapp, J. D., Shapiro, B., Vartanyan, S., Götherström, A., Dalén, L. 2020. Stability and genomic signatures of adaptation in the woolly rhinoceros. Curr Biol, 30 (19), 3871-3879.e7

Matsuda, I., Stark, D. J., Ramirez Saldivar, D. A., Tuuga, A., Nathan, S. K.S.S., Goossens, B., van Schaik, C. P., Koda, H. 2020. Large male proboscis monkeys have larger noses but smaller canines. Comm Biol, 3(1): 522.

Lubbers, M., Hovious, S.A., Chai, R. R., Byng, J. W., Schilthuizen, M. 2020. An observation on the ecology and behavour of Metallyticus splendidus on a dead dipterocarp tree in Sabah, Malaysia (Mantodea, Mettaliticidae). J Trop Biol Cons, 17 : 165 -170.

Evans, M.N., Guerrero-Sánchez, S., Kille, P., Müller, C.T., Abu Bakar, M.S., Goossens, B. 2020. Physiological implications of life at the forest interface of oil palm agriculture: blood profiles of wild Malay civets (Viverra tangalunga). Cons Physiol, 8 (1): coaa127.

State Action Plans


Sabah Wildlife Department. 2020. Bornean elephant Action Plan for Sabah (2020 – 2029). Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.

Sabah Wildlife Department. 2020. Orangutan Action Plan for Sabah (2020 – 2029). Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Sabah Wildlife Department. 2019. Proboscis Monkey Action Plan for Sabah (2019 – 2028). Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Sabah Wildlife Department. 2019. Sunda Clouded Leopard Action Plan for Sabah (2019 – 2028). Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Sabah Wildlife Department. 2019. Bornean Banteng Action Plan for Sabah (2019 – 2028). Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia 


Sabah Wildlife Department. 2011. Elephant Action Plan (2012 – 2016). Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Sabah Wildlife Department. 2011. Rhinoceros Action Plan (2012 – 2016). Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Sabah Wildlife Department. 2011. Orangutan Action Plan (2012 – 2016). Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia


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Animals of Kinabatangan: Life by the River. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah


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Opogi: A Bornean Crocodile. Natural History Publications: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah


Upin: A Bornean Banteng. Natural History Publications: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah


Itin: A Bornean Elephant. Natural History Publications: Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

DGFC Activity Reports
