Our Work
At Danau Girang, we are proud of our diverse portfolio of work that has grown from strength to strength over the years. From the early years of carrying out research and organising field courses, our current work encompasses a broader range of activities in tandem with the progress of wildlife conservation as set out in the Sabah State Action Plans.
Using advanced technologies, research at the field centre aims to determine the landscape-level requirements critical for the viable persistence of multiple tropical species in a highly fragmented landscape. We also study population genetics, disease, toxicology, animal behaviour and classic ecology.
Over the years, our research has resulted in 200+ publications, including peer-reviewed, State Action Plans, and general publications. The list can be viewed/accessed here:
Our Projects
Regrow Borneo: Research-led Reforestation, Conservation, and Carbon Sequestration
Evaluating the Impact of Forest Restoration in the Lower Kinabatangan, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo.
Home ranging, movement and activity patterns of leopard cats in the Kinabatangan floodplain
Home ranging, movement and activity patterns of leopard cats (Prionailurus bengalensis) and flat-headed cats (Prionailurus planiceps) cohabiting an oil palm-dominated landscape in the Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary.
Role of pangolins in the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses in humans
Identifying the viral diversity of wild Sunda pangolins, as well as its sympatric wildlife, which might be the reservoir or intermediate hosts for the viruses associated with wild Sunda pangolins.
Human activities and its impact on the vulnerability of the Bornean banteng (Bos javanicus) in eastern Sabah
Investigating the impact of disease transmission and hybridisation as a contributor to the banteng’s declining population in Sabah.
DGFC has partnered with the Sabah Wildlife Department (SWD) since 2020 to support the effective implementation of the state action plans for wildlife. The multi-year INL Project funded by a U.S. Department of State grant (2020-2024) aims to boost the enforcement and forensic capacity of SWD in deterring wildlife trade. DGFC works closely with the department in establishing new units within its enforcement division and equipping enforcement agencies with skills and knowledge training to combat wildlife crime.

Boosting enforcement and forensic capacity to deter wildlife crimes in Sabah
Grant period: October 2019 – September 2023
This is a multi-year enforcement project managed by DGFC that receives a grant from the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs to increase the capacities of wildlife law enforcement government agencies and key partners in conservation. Working closely with the Sabah Wildlife Department, it provides for a number of specialised training sessions for the units within the Enforcement division of SWD, as well as for the members of the Wildlife Crime Intelligence Committee comprising enforcement leaders from various government departments, agencies, and NGOs.
The grant also supports the training of crime analysts, investigators and intelligence gatherers, as well as the development of a forensic unit and training of a certified forensic technician at the Sabah Wildlife Health, Genetic and Forensic Laboratory (WHGFL).

Rapid Response Teams (RRT)
Grant period: July 2022-June 2025
This 3-year project is a joint partnership between the Sabah Wildlife Department, DGFC, and Yayasan Sime Darby, which aims to increase the capacity and effectiveness of SWD in rapidly responding to wildlife poaching, trafficking and illegal wildlife trade in Sabah.
The project’s total funding of RM3.8 million is channelled from Yayasan Sime Darby, with an additional matching fund of RM250,00 from the Ministry of Finance, Malaysia.
Three teams of highly-trained wildlife rangers are strategically set up in Kinabatangan (Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary), Tabin (Tabin Wildlife Reserve) and Kota Kinabalu HQ (including West Coast) to carry out active on-the-ground patrolling in identified hot spots within sanctuary and wildlife reserve and its borders, and to support the district wildlife offices in their enforcement activities. Using specialised apps, the rangers also collect and ground data to compile a database that is used and shared for effective strategic planning at the department level.
Our education team actively promotes awareness of wildlife conservation in Sabah through the delivery of educational programmes in schools and the organising of public events in collaboration with other agencies and organisations. Regular events include participation in outreach and school holiday programmes and supporting wildlife calendar events.